Monday, August 11, 2008

Even More Manly

Way back when, I wrote about Manish Water, soup from Jamaica designed to make a man outta ya.

For some reason, I seem to be on a strange roll here, leaning towards the masculine. Here is the manish breakfast, London cafe style. It was me, several men of the construction world, and a business man or two going back to their blue collar roots. The place was steamy on a cold, rainy summer's day. I read a whodunnit that would have made my dad proud - the whole breakfast was in honor of him, a working man if there ever was one, though by late in life he had reached his aspiration: to feel wealthy enough to not wear socks with his deck shoes. Hey, everybody has their thing, right? Anyway, this breakfast and this post are dedicated to Carl George Norman, Jr. a fabulous cook who nevertheless enjoyed a greasy spoon or two in his all-too-short life. August 26, 1935 - August 5, 2005. I raise a fork to ya, dad.

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